
Blog : nonduality

A collection of gems i found on the Internet, plus some personal reflections. I periodically discard outdated posts, so the list below may shrink at times.

Filter by tag: advice, algorithm, art, audio, beatlog, bicycle, comedy, DIY, drums, health, Markov, math, music, mustaching, neuroscience, nonduality, philosophy, photo, poetry, privacy, programming, psychology, puzzle, recipe, resilience, the long descent, video, CLEAR FILTER

  1. Immediate Experience of Being · 2024-04-20
  2. We Live in a Psychedelic World · 2024-01-15
  3. Nothing to Do with the Known · 2017-04-25
  4. The End of Suffering and the Default Mode Network · 2015-10-22
  5. Nonduality Q&A 7 · 2015-05-02
  6. Tonglen · 2014-12-30
  7. Sitting in Silence · 2014-08-30
  8. Freedom from Self-Identification · 2014-06-08
  9. The Neuroscience of Suffering and Its End · 2014-01-05
  10. Flow · 2013-05-25
  11. Happiness Beyond Thought 2 · 2013-02-13
  12. The Face Game · 2012-10-27
  13. Experiments with Headlessness · 2012-09-29
  14. Short and Straight · 2012-07-21