
Laptop Bag

This month i got a new laptop, a Framework Laptop 13 DIY Edition (AMD Ryzen™ 7040 Series). Beleive it or not, it's designed for repair, a feature i heartily endorse and the main reason i chose the brand. I put Linux Mint on the machine, and it runs like a champ.

My previous laptop, a Macbook Pro 13 2013 also running Linux Mint, is over ten years old now and actually still works (after two battery and two screen replacements), but it can't quite keep up with my work tasks these days, and i never could get its camera working with Linux. So i'll sell it.

But this project page is not about my new laptop. It's about its bag. I wanted to make a custom one to fit the laptop's unusual 300mm x 230mm footprint and to expand my sewing skills. So i browsed YouTube, chose these relatively simple and free instructions for the kind of bag i wanted, bought red linen and cream cotton from the local fabric store after failing to find anything good at op shops, received donations of fleece padding and interfacing from my flatmates, followed said instructions, and sewed this stylish bag in a few hours.

This is the most complex sewing project i've tried, and i made it more complex by adding handles like in this other set of instructions i liked. But i should have done so after attaching the zipper, because then i wouldn't have accidentally bunched up the fabric:

Nonetheless, i am pleased with the result, and the bag actually fits my laptop and charger, a surprising success. Thank you, YouTube user Sew Many Creations!

Author: Alexander Raichev
Date: 2024-03-10