How to Eat Better
I think Ran Prieur sums it up well in the following points, which he elaborates on his webpage here.
- What your ancestors ate is good for you
- Refined carbohydrates are bad for you
- Refined sugar is especially bad for you
- Trans fats are bad for you
- Saturated fats are good for you
- Common cooking oils are moderately bad, including canola, corn, soy, and safflower
- Soy is bad for you unless it's fermented
- Wheat is usually bad for you, but it doesn't have to be
- Some natural foods are bad for you
- Fresh is good
- Milk should be low tech
- Salt should be unrefined
- City water additives are bad
- Look at ingredients lists
- Think beyond organic
- Make food a higher financial priority
- Expand your concept of food
- Listen to your body, not your mouth
- Quit drinking soda
- Quit fast food and junk food
- Buy organic, selectively
- Buy local
- Practice recipe cooking
- Practice improvisational cooking
- Keep a sourdough culture
- Sprout!
- Grow a garden
- Plant fruit trees, and nut trees and berry bushes and perennial herbs
- Raise animals
- Hunt and forage
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